“Life as I know it…so far.”

by Akira Dawn

  1. Your soul is perfect, a pure divine spark of Source stuff, the eternal aspect of God as You and You as God.
  2. You are an aspect of All That Is exploring all the potentials of the One as the One. So’s everyone else.
  3. Life is in harmony with you at all times, a perfect representation of you and your current focus.
  4. You are an active participant as a useful aspect of God in the unfolding of ALL of life’s potential as an explorer, witness, catalyst and direct participant. The illusion of separation is used in this way.
  5. Our apparent ‘wounds’ are our curriculum this lifetime – that which we came to explore specifically as an aspect of All that Is. Karma is about Learning.
  6. Both joys and miseries serve life. All of it is a perfect match for you in the beneficial way of revealing the wonder that you are, and helping you come to know yourself and life intimately.
  7. What is emergent in you, that which is uniquely yours to be and do at any given moment, is the sacred expression of your soul and the unfolding of your potential as an active participant in life.
  8. You will always have the means to be and do that which is yours to be and do. Skills, resources, location, relationships, knowledge…anything, all in perfect synchronicity.
  9. We can be awake or asleep during this lifetime. Always, we have our own free will. Asleep, we will repeat patterns, experience and learn. Awake, we will transcend patterns, experience and learn.
  10. You are surrounded by the stuff of life/love/God at all times. It is there for you to revel in and make use of in any way you see fit – even if that’s not at all.
  11. Your job this lifetime, if it could be said you have one, is to Be a clearer and clearer version of You.
  12. All That Is has all the time and all the resources there are – and therefore, so do you.
  13. Worry is the exploration and coming into alignment with that which you do not want to experience.
  14. All of life is full of personal messages and potential for insight and greater awareness.
  15. Your thoughts are the brush. Your emotions are the paint. Your life is the result.

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