Category Archives: Transformation

Life As I Know It … So Far

  • Your soul is perfect, a pure divine spark of Source stuff, the eternal aspect of God as You and You as God.
  • You are an aspect of All That Is exploring all the potentials of the One as the One. So’s everyone else.
  • Life is in harmony with you at all times, a perfect representation of you and your current focus.
  • You are an active participant as a useful aspect of God in the unfolding of ALL of life’s potential as an explorer, witness, catalyst and direct participant. The illusion of separation is used in this way.
  • Our apparent ‘wounds’ are our curriculum this lifetime – that which we came to explore specifically as an aspect of All that Is. Karma is about Learning.
  • Both joys and miseries serve life. All of it is a perfect match for you in the beneficial way of revealing the wonder that you are, and helping you come to know yourself and life intimately.
  • What is emergent in you, that which is uniquely yours to be and do at any given moment, is the sacred expression of your soul and the unfolding of your potential as an active participant in life.
  • You will always have the means to be and do that which is yours to be and do. Skills, resources, location, relationships, knowledge…anything, all in perfect synchronicity.
  • We can be awake or asleep during this lifetime. Always, we have our own free will. Asleep, we will repeat patterns, experience and learn. Awake, we will transcend patterns, experience and learn.
  • You are surrounded by the stuff of life/love/God at all times. It is there for you to revel in and make use of in any way you see fit – even if that’s not at all.
  • Your job this lifetime, if it could be said you have one, is to Be a clearer and clearer version of You.
  • All That Is has all the time and all the resources there are – and therefore, so do you.
  • Worry is the exploration and coming into alignment with that which you do not want to experience.
  • All of life is full of personal messages and potential for insight and greater awareness.
  • Your thoughts are the brush. Your emotions are the paint. Your life is the result.

Inner Sun Rises

Inner Sun Rises
Inner sun rises on wings of light,
Riches hidden by fear of darkness
She speaks in rivers and waves of fire,
Revealing all that is known and unknown
Time to be, to surrender.

Letting Go of the Thorn – Guided Meditation


This is a guided meditation designed to walk you through the release of an old, stuck memory of emotional pain. It takes about fifteen minutes and should be done in a quiet space in which you have time alone to experience and then process.

Emotional points of pain are hooked traumas in the body. When you tense upon feeling pain, it’s just like a fish closing its mouth around a hook. The way to reverse it out is to trust enough to relax, to feel it again as it backs its way out, and to stay relaxed. You’ll know it’s gone when there’s this sudden rushing of love and relief…and joy…that comes and fills its place. And that when you tap that painful point again in your mind, it’s no longer painful – it’s just a residual echo.


Just relax and listen to the sound of my voice. Breathe deeply. Settle in. Understand that you’re going to feel a whole lot better when this thorn is taken out of your side.

Also understand that this is a gift you give yourself. I’m not doing anything…only you have the power and ability to reach into your soul and remove this hook. I am your guide, but it’s the trust that must be placed in yourself, knowing that you can do this, that is important here. That you have found this audio, that you are in alignment with this information, stands as proof that this is true.

So take another deep breath, and relax into this. Now, you’ve probably come to this with a sense of pain, of somethin’ – something, hopefully small to begin with. It can be large as well…sometimes big things are the easiest, especially if you’re ready to let them go. That’s a key component – you’re ready and willing.

Pain disempowers. This is you taking your power back. You choosing to see from a perspective that gives you your power back. Just somethin’ you forgot…a twist in perception that led to a forgetting, no big deal. And yet it can seem as big as the world when it’s in your eyes, blocking other views.

So breathe now and feel into that pain. Don’t lose yourself in it, just poke at it – almost as if it’s a sore tooth in your mouth. There’s a place in your body that it’s being held…many of these are held in the heart, in the guts, in the throat. Send your mind to this place. Notice that it’s tense.

And every time you poke that painful spot, that memory, it tenses again. Uncomfortable. Hurts! Possibly even unbearable. But here’s the thing: Bear it. You are strong enough now. Breathe, and stay with it – don’t let your  mind skitter off, to reasons and excuses and blames. To explanations, to stories – just stay with the pain, it’s been waiting for you for a while.

Breathe. There you go :) Bear witness. Relax. Let it carry you. It just wants to finish the echo of a scream that it gave when the event first happened. It’s sound was muted so that you may carry on in your life at that time… Now it’s time to un-mute it.

Every time it finishes its arc of a tensing and a wave of feeling, relax, take a breather, then poke it again – gently. No need to go over the top – you’re ready to let this go now. Just a gentle tap, and feel it. You know where it is in your body now, you figured that out.

Let it feel, let it roll through you. Energy doesn’t want to stay in one place in the body, it wants to move, just like the circulatory system. You had a mini storm, frozen in ice – it’s melting now. With your breath, it warms, it loosens. It relaxes. Be with it. Allow it to finish.

Another deep breath… The energy in the pain rises and falls, ebbs and flows. You may need to do this process or listen to this audio more than once – and it’s okay. But very likely, you’re so ready to let this go, that you’ll just open your hands – and with your breath and an open palm, you’ll let it go. You’ll let it rise, reach a crescendo of discomfort, and not clench down on it – don’t close your hand. Just breathe.

You may notice those ripples of energy now, feel like little electrical sparks. You may feel a cold sweatiness in your hand. That is the measure of just how much energy was stored there. Your life force that could not move in that area. That your life could not flow any longer in that section. You could not create things around it, and that idea. Too painful. It’s like a big roadblock was put in your way, that you were clinging to for dear life.

Because you were pushing against it. This is what you needed to do – and it’s okay, that’s how it works. And now you can stand up, and breathe, and say, “Oh…that’s in the past. It’s over. I’m alive. I’m breathing. This roadblock’s not even there anymore… I just needed to open my eyes and look and see for myself, and it was painful. But it is Done. It is Done. It is Done.”

So take a deep breath, and flush that energy through your body. The breath and prana, of life, of chi that comes in on the breath. Feel it rush through that area on the in breath, and flush out on the out breath. Cleaning. Setting rights. Revealing. All this power that you now have at your call. The ability to create. The ability to love. The ability to trust.

One more deep breath… and just let yourself know that this will come in echos, and you know what to do with it. Let that joy, let that love, that open feeling fill you. You remember not to tense around it now. You know why and how it works. Your body knows why and how. Move with it. Live through it – you already have.

And when you’re ready, give yourself a hug inside. :) Give yourself a hug outside! Just wrap your arms around yourself and squeeze tight, and smile. A part of you has just come back…it’s time to welcome it home.

We Become

We Become

In the halls of time we stand in tribute to our Spirits
Holding true to our values in the face of challenge,
We don’t just survive – we thrive. In living, we become Ourselves

Spark of Rest :)

The Daily Spark

Happy new year in all the ways that it can be said :)

It’s time for The Daily Spark to take a little breather so it can transform, as it has done before. It will be back – I have a feeling it’ll return in the spring, with the sun’s love.

I am still writing on my blog if you’d like to keep in touch that way – you can find it at :)